Fotoschlumpfs Abenteuer bei einem weiteren Naturwunder
Halfway between San Francisco and Los Angelas is the Hearst Castle, one of the  most incredible Protzbauten in the United States. But if you want to see castles or  fortresses, so you will be safe better in Europe. But in the area of ​​Hearst Castle,  there is a natural spectacle special match. Near San Simeon the beach of Piedra  Blancas is.  Of course, almost the entire route between Santa Barbara and San Francsico on the  old highway no. One's been a dream of streets that should go once in a lifetime. If  there is a few degrees colder mostly due to fog, as few kilometers further inland  towards  Photo Smurf Adventure visited them, at least for the USA and unique place in the  context of its West Coast tour in early June-2013. Highway 101 is basically a very manageable road during peak hours has not a huge  traffic itself. Parking problems are rarely gets off the cities of Frisco or LA. Middle  of the track at San Simeon but there is a parking lot, which is regularly booked out,  and also has quite justified. On the beach at Piedras Blancas there at peak times  thousands of elephant seals who sleep in peace, is throwing sand or actually beat  by hand in power struggles.  The animals came in the early 1990s for the first time at this beach. Already on its  west coast tour in 1995 was able to admire the animals photo Schlumpfs adventure  travel. The question now was, however, whether the elephant seals are still there.  And they were. Even more than before. The sight of up to 2-ton behemoths, the  partial gerademal 30 - 40 away from the viewer is gigantic. The photos on this  page'll only provide a glimpse of the actual feeling.  Access to this animal miracle is no entrance fee, parking is also free at the time of  my trip. The rangers who work here do so voluntarily and honorary. But to be able  to work on this site is to probably already have almost like a holiday. Fresh air,  nature-loving wealthy tourists, animal attractions. The place makes you want to  Mee (h) r. From Vista Point, which is just a few hundred meters away from the  parking lot, there is a fantastic view of the extensive during peak periods several  thousand animals sea lion colony. In addition, there is often more than 10,000  seals.  Why the animals, of all people who visit this beach? Researchers could not even  find out. But you have certainly not appreciate all that you see. According to the  ranger most animals come in December and January to mate to this place.  The experience is so unique that you should not miss it. You should stop for this  great plan at least one to two hours of extra time just flying.
                                                                            Naturwunder im Westen. Seeelefanten am Highway Nr. 1!
Welt USA

Fotoschlumpf bei den Seeelefanten!

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